Did you know that not all instructional materials are of the same quality? Nationwide, only about 30% of teachers are reported to consistently have access to high quality instructional materials in their classrooms. In Brown County, we have renewed our commitment to high-quality instructional materials for every teacher and every student. Why? Because research consistently shows that using high-quality instructional materials in the classroom is one of the most effective ways to improve student learning and engagement. To accelerate learning, high-quality materials are more important than ever to meet the changing educational needs of ALL learners.
Brown County Schools has recently implemented a comprehensive process for system-wide curricular materials review and adoption. It is teacher-driven, administrator guided and community informed. A study of priorities takes place at the school level and results in a K-12 Summary of Needs document which informs decisions about each publisher’s product. Only those products that address our Summary of student, teacher, family and system needs are considered for adoption and purchase.